Reflection API in Java

- 3 mins read

Where is this used?

This is used to analyze/modify the behaviour of a class at runtime. Using this, you can view or change the private/public fields at wish (without exposing any getter/setter). Personally, I have used this in one of our projects at GreyOrange to write unit test cases. Using this in main code is a big no-no as it exposed you critical fields to the world.

Main Class

Let’s create a main class for which we will write some test cases. But we want to test some private fields for which we don’t have a direct getter. The idea is to use reflection api to access such fields and fetch their current value or modify them if required.

Here is a Duck class which has 3 fields of which 1 is static. Each time a duck class is created count which is the static field is increased by one. Each duck has an associated name and age.

public class Duck {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private static int count = 0;

    public Duck(String name, int age) { = name;
        this.age = age;

    public static boolean canCreateMoreDucks() {
        return count < 10;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public boolean canDrinkAlcohol() {
        return age >= 18;

Test Class – uses reflection API

Change the value of a private field inside a class

Field and getDeclaredField are used to access a variable. Using setAccessible as true will expose any private fields which can be manipulated.

public void testDuckCanDrinkAlcohol() {
    Duck duck = new Duck("Donald", 5);
    assertEquals("Donald", duck.getName());

    // change age and check if duck can drink alcohol
    // But I don't want to create a setter for this
    // Use reflection API to change the age
    try {
        Class<Duck> duckClass = Duck.class;
        Field ageField = duckClass.getDeclaredField("age");
        ageField.setInt(duck, 20);
    catch (Exception e) {
        assert false;



Get the value of a static private variable in a class

A static field can be accessed in the similar way.

public void testDuckCanCreateMoreDucks() {
    // Instead of creating more ducks
    // I will use reflection API to change the count
    Duck duck = new Duck("Donald", 5);

    // Also assert count was 1
    // But I don't want to create a getter for this
    try {
        Class<Duck> duckClass = Duck.class;
        Field countField = duckClass.getDeclaredField("count");

        // Don't need to pass an instance as count is static
        Object countObject = countField.get(null);
        int count  = (int) countObject;
        assertEquals(1, count);
    catch (Exception e) {
        assert false;

Change the value of a static private variable in a class

You can use setInt to change the value of the Field.

public void testDuckCannotCreateMoreDucks() {
    // Instead of creating more ducks
    // I will use reflection API to change the count
    Duck duck = new Duck("Donald", 5);

    // change count to 10
    try {
        Class<Duck> duckClass = Duck.class;
        Field countField = duckClass.getDeclaredField("count");
        countField.setInt(null, 10);
    catch (Exception e) {
        assert false;

